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Are you satisfied with our Royal Government A:         Good evening. How are you doing? B:         I’m doing fine, thanks. How i...


Are you satisfied with our Royal Government

A:        Good evening. How are you doing?
B:        I’m doing fine, thanks. How is it going?
A:        I’m so far so good, thanks. What topic would you like to talk about today?
B:        About border dispute. Do you see eye to eye?
A:        Ok, I’d like you to commence your questions first.
B:        Well, How large is our territory?
A:        According to the map or the geographic book I studied, our territory is 181 035 square kilometer.
B:        Do you think our territory is large as it used to be?
A:        I can say anything about this. I always try to stay away from the politics because it always makes my head hurt, but right now I’ll try to answer your questions.
B:        Well, why do neighboring countries try to infringe on our territory?
A:        I think that they are acute, we are busy seizing power and they need our land.
B:        Why did you say that? You abase yourself.
A:        No, I don’t abase myself. We know that our territory is being encroached on. Why does our R.G ignore this problem?
B:        They are looking for the way to resolve it.
A:        In my mind, I think what they have been doing is just for power.
B:        Do you express your satisfaction with our present government?
A:        Not very much because they try to seize the power.
B:        Do you think our Royal Government is possible to get our lost land back?
A:        It’s hard to say, but I think that the government should define our frontier and plant posts or dam along the borders in order to protect encroachment on the remaining land.
B:        Good idea. Right now, can you tell me why there are a lot of illegal immigrants in our country?
A:        Because our law is not effective, the border police let illegal immigrants enter our country and local authorities allow those people to settle in their locations. Those illegal immigrants try to seek asylums by giving some money as bribes to Khmer leaders. Later on, they try to nationalize and get identity cards as Khmer citizens.
B:        Oh, you know a lot, then what should our RG do with Vietnamese, main land, and Chinese illegal immigrants?
A:        The RG should send them back to their countries. that’s it. If our government is unable to do it, let someone else do it.
B:        I think so. Now the time is up. I’d like to express appreciation to you for answering my questions.
A:        My pleasure.

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